Six years ago, I hit a low point, drowning in stress and guilt. That moment sparked a journey of deep healing and self-love that transformed my life.

Now, I'm here to guide you to a space of pleasure, trust, creativity, and free self-expression — through your relationship with your body.

About Lindsey

This space and everything I share — is an extension of myself. My own journey through healing, embodiment, spiritual exploration, and self-love. A place where self-kindness and the body's innate wisdom are the guides. A place where the mind can take a load off, get quiet and listen.

We all came here for a reason. My reason is to inspire people to tune back into the biggest gifts they're born with — that's the power of the energy and intuition in the body. I'm here to help you reconnect, root into that energy, and see what magical things you can create.

The methods I love sharing — somatics, mindfulness, and sound healing — are the precise practices I use to heal my nervous system and follow my intuitive pulls.

My wish for you is that you know deeply the possibility you hold within your own being.

My life has been a series of adventures. And I'm adventurous, so I've always been up for the call. With each new adventure, I'm called to dive deeper into trusting my core, the connection to our shared source.

My own healing journey began after a decade as a busy business owner. I found myself in burnout, PTSD, and relationships that were in desperate need of repair. But even bigger, I had no idea what I wanted out of life or how I wanted to feel. I thought being in a constant state of up and down meant I was a grown-up.

Ultimately, I set out on the biggest adventure of my life. That of healing my inner being, quieting the noise of those pesky rampant thoughts and trusting the guidance that came through my body. That's when my version of feeling good in life really took root. When I could tune out the noise and tune in — to what my body was saying. I'm a student of experience with certifications in mindfulness, somatic stress release, somatic parts work, meditation, and holographic sound healing. But long before I took the certifications, I was deeply invested in how people feel and create their big, wild dreams.

I hope you know your big, weird, and wild dream is possible.

A peek behind the scenes

  • I’m a Pisces Mani-Gen who loves to shake things up, try on new experiences, and get deep and watery. I’ve been a spiritual student even when I didn’t know that’s what I was doing.

  • I have a husband I’ve been married to for over 15 years and three amazing kids (twins and singleton). After an undeniable intuitive pull and a laundry list of synchronicities, we left our home state and went on a nine-month, five-country travel adventure to find a new home.

  • My longest-running nickname is illsay, which came from misreading bad writing but turned into my badge of honor and the name I will use for my first DJ set.

  • Speaking of DJing, I love hip-hop and have since I was 10. I love Gangstarr as much as I love chanting mantras and playing sound bowls.

  • I owned a restaurant for 14 years, and I can still master multiple conversations and tasks at once while running through a list of what needs to happen. I think my experience in a busy kitchen made parenting easier.

What guides my work.

My Values.


  • Inspire with richness.

  • Seek transformative depth.


  • Guide by inner wisdom.

  • Prioritize felt sense.


  • Transform with love.

  • Lead with an open heart.

My mission is to empower you to reclaim your creativity by connecting with inner wisdom, fostering deep self-acceptance, and falling in love with the present moment.

I’m not going to sell you a mindset hack and send you on your way. Or tell you “align your energy with what you want.”

A relationship with your body through presence is what helps heal trauma and programming. So you can show up regulated and listen to those body cues that are your intuition telling you where to go.

I’m here to hold your hand and walk with you back to your body. Where the real energy lives. To regulate your nervous system and shine your light.

Like so many of us have, I’ve experienced trauma and pain. I took everything I learned from my healing journey that began six years ago and put it all here to serve you.