The Uplevel:

12-Week Somatic & Mindfulness Coaching

Are you a creative ready to break free from the cycle of unfulfilled striving? Is there something you want to create but don't know where to start?

There's more to life than appearances or achievements – you are an infinite consciousness in a human body and are here to create something unique.

It's time to rediscover who you truly are.

Let's go on a Journey to Rediscover Your Wholeness

  • Manifest Your Big Dream: Your dream becomes a reality, whether it's a book, a business, a move, or a gallery.

  • Heart-Centered Connections: You'll have meaningful relationships anchored in authenticity and growth.

  • Deepened Intuition: Your perspective will illuminate, and you'll know how to feel, trust, and follow your intuitive pulls.

  • Radiant Self-Expression: You'll have authentic creativity and magnetic self-expression in art, work, and relationships.

  • Unstoppable Resilience: Develop resilience that propels you forward with unwavering determination.

  • Adaptability and Flexibility: Navigate life with adaptability and flexibility, open to seizing unexpected opportunities.

The Tools We Use.

I've been where you are – burnt out and striving. These tools saved my life, and I'm passionate about sharing what brought me from exhaustion to joy, freedom, and infinite possibility.

Embodied Mindfulness:

A judgment-free, caring attention to the present moment through the body. It incorporates mindfulness and heartfulness, fostering self-awareness and compassion.

Somatic Stress Release:

Uses the body's natural ability to process and move through stress, promoting resilience and awareness.

Holographic Sound Healing:

Clearing old energies for health and well-being through multi-dimensional sound penetrates all consciousness levels.

Inner Child and Parts Work:

Listening to and showing compassion to different aspects of personality, reconnecting with the childhood self for transformative shifts.

What sets this program apart…

Aligned Energy and Clarity: When you learn to slow down and tune into your emotional and intuitive body, your energy can align with your goals, creating a magnetic force.

Body-Centered Decision Making: Harness the power of "spanda," making decisions from a body-centered space, where inspired action naturally flows.

Flow & Adaptability: Learn how to notice, alchemize, and dissolve resistance to turn dreams into reality. This is deeper than a mindset. This is emotional regulation and attunement.

Trust in Divine Pull: Trust in your body's wisdom and the life force pull outside you. Combining practical somatic principles with a deeper spiritual connection.

After 12 weeks, you’ll…

  • Embrace and share your truest expression

  • Feel, trust and follow your intuition

  • Boost creativity

  • Follow through on your creative pulls

  • Drop into your body for guidance when making decisions

  • Remember your essence

  • Know how to create your big wild dream from the inside out

  • Courageously leap into the next chapter of life

  • Be full of joy, curiosity and possibility

  • I consider Lindsey a gift from the universe - she's become a mentor, teacher and friend and I will continue to learn, grow and work with her.

    Sara H.

  • Lindsey guided me to transform my perspective, revealing the excitement, beauty, and endless possibilities within the unknown. I am beyond grateful for this healing experience.

    Valerie M.

  • I think a lot of people spend so much time pointing out our trauma but Lindsey was different in that she gave me actual keys to move through/past the knots holding me up.


  • Lindsey is warm and caring and never judgemental. I always leave feeling like so much pressure is released and so much growth is possible!


The Inclusions.

  • 11 1:1 sessions are a mix of deep-dive resets, somatic release, and mindfulness coaching

  • Weekly practice creation

  • Custom journal and inquiry prompts

  • Custom-guided subconscious audios

  • Custom-guided somatic practices


Sara H.

“At first I was unsure because I didn't consider myself a creative or an entrepreneur and did not have a concrete project I was working on but as it turns out, I did and just needed some help finding the path forward. Each session brought me closer to my goals and taught me more about myself. Lindsey helped me tap into my body and to work through old feelings and patterns. Each session brought a new breakthrough.”

Jamie — nutritional coach

“Lindsey has such a gentle and reassuring presence and really helped me lean in to my body and intuition. Any time I had insight, she would say, "That's right," which was so validating, and allowed me to really dive in and trust myself to explore some big emotions and energy. I highly recommend booking a session with Lindsey if you're looking to release or explore difficult emotions or stuck energy. She really helped me tune in and hear my inner knowing. Such a gift!”

Angela S.

“I knew nothing about Somatic Session’s prior to my appointment. The first time I did work with Lindsey it felt like nothing I’d ever experienced before. Lindsey could hold a balance between direct communication and empathy, which I found incredibly comforting. An attentive listener with a humorous spirit, she creates a space that is open and safe. Lindsey provided tools and exercises that help you feel safe on your own, too.”

This is for you if…

  • You're ready to leap into the next level of your life, actively co-creating your experience with personal responsibility.

  • Turning your dreams into tangible realities excites you, and you're prepared to make it happen.

  • Seeking a profound shift from burnout, you crave a journey that aligns your intuitive, energetic, and emotional bodies.

  • You're eager to be open to the possibility of what might happen and seize unexpected opportunities.

  • Cultivating self-love, embracing mindfulness, and manifesting real-life transformation are not just wishes; they're your priorities.

Okay, so you've made it this far, and it's possible you felt those zings of energy through your body while reading. What if you felt that all the time? What if that guided you?! What amazing things could happen if you could trust? Ready to dive in -- let's go! Want to know more? Book a free call.

The Investment: $3500

(payment plans available)

10% discount when you pay in full.