Ready to open the deepest parts of your being so you can drop the emotional baggage, trust your intuitive body and get clear on the thing your big wild vision?

The real work is here, in the depths of your inner being.

Remember how to FEEL your body so you can TRUST it’s wisdom and FOLLOW your intuition clearly.

Remove emotional residue, gain mental clarity and ignite your creative spark.

This powerful combination of somatic and energetic clearing helps you shed self doubt, cultivate confidence and move forward in deep trust. Expand your creativity by opening up the intuitive body.

Dive deep into your body’s wisdom to unlock the potential of what’s possible for you.

This is for you if…

  • You’re a creative, self starter, do it yourself powerhouse who is ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and stuck.

  • You’re ready to release the emotional baggage you’ve been avoiding so you can expand and be seen.

  • You’re ready to release stress you’ve been carrying.

  • You are ready to let go of overthinking overanalyzing and overcommitting and start sitting in your power and trusting your intuition.

  • You want to reconnect with your body to create from a place of wholeness.

  • You are ready to FEEL different; spacious and supported.

  • You are ready to stop second guessing yourself and start taking aligned action towards your goals.

  • I highly recommend booking a session with Lindsey if you're looking to release or explore difficult emotions or stuck energy. She really helped me tune in and hear my inner knowing. Such a gift!


  • I recently had the privilege of experiencing a sound healing session with Lindsey. It was nothing short of a magical experience where I saw my gifts clearly and felt assured, I am following my heart.


  • The skills for somatic healing that I have learned from Lindsey continue to be part of my daily life and I continue to look back at the session recaps for guidance. I consider Lindsey a gift from the universe.

    Sara H.

  • I think a lot of people spend so much time pointing out our trauma but Lindsey was different in that she gave me actual keys to move through/past the knots holding me up.


  • The sounds I heard that day, I believed to be non-human, meaning I believe certain individuals have the power the to channel specifics sounds that are necessary for an individual in order to help them heal with whatever they need at that time.

    Metal J.

  • Lindsey is warm and caring and never judgemental. I always leave feeling like so much pressure is released and so much growth is possible!


Finally, a space to tune into your emotional body and LET GO of the baggage.

Inner Being Reset is a deep dive into your emotional and intuitive body so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling rooted in your power center.

We will take a journey through your body’s wisdom using somatic release, mindful awareness, subconscious reprogramming, parts work and energetic clearing through sound healing.

A deeply supportive session where you take your power back.

This is a full clearing of those blocks that are keeping you stuck.

The ones that keep you not sharing your voice, your light or your truth.

The Process.

Clarity Call:

Ensure alignment and compatibility.

First Contact Call (40 min):

Define intention and receive clear protocols for working with your energetic, intuitive, and emotional body.

  • Identify & Release: Uncover and release emotional blocks.

  • Intuitive Exploration: Dive into a safe space with guidance.

  • Mind-Body-Spirit Shift: Align with intuition, shift beliefs, seal with vibrational sound healing.

  • Tap into your own intuition and connect with your deepest self.

  • Work holistically from body, mind, and spirit.

3-Hour Deep Dive:

Follow-up Call (2 Weeks - 40 min):

Reconnect with intention, self, and clarity.

Inner Being Reset.

Experience Inner Being Reset, a three-hour deep dive into your essence. Through a combination of modalities such as somatic release, mindfulness, parts work, subconscious exploration, and holographic sound healing, we navigate through your current challenges. This dedicated time empowers you to fully embrace the experience, shake off any residue, and effectively reset your nervous system.

The Bonuses.

  • Custom Somatic Movement Practice: Stay connected with your body and intuition post-session.

  • Custom Daily Practice: A simple and effective way to stay in your connected flow each day.

  • Custom Subconscious Audio: Enhance mental well-being and intuition with personalized audio.

I hear you.

“I am too busy.”

Investing time in yourself fuels your creativity and allows you to bend time by being in touch with your inner being.

“I am too overwhelmed.”

Overwhelm indicates the need for deep tuning in and clearing, transforming overwhelm into fuel by expanding your capacity to hold life's challenges.

“My dream is too big.”

Clear emotional residue to unleash natural confidence and rootedness, making your dreams unstoppable through sustained practice.