The real work is here, in the depths of your inner being.

Being a creative, healer, dreamer and lover in the world is a big job. It takes tremendous work and your work is needed now more than ever.

Your healing work is not meant to be done alone.

You go so much further when you have a guide, someone lighting the way.

That’s my job, to walk with you on the path, so you can create the big things you’ve been visioning. I am honored you are here. It’s time for healing that is potent, heart forward and intuitive.



Combining these modalities give you a path toward potent and lasting healing. You’ll learn how to trust and use your emotional cues, to gather their wisdom. You’ll learn how to stay present in life — to notice the joys of being alive more. You’ll learn how to trust your intuitive guidance by following “spanda” the divine buzz that happens within.



It’s time to reconnect with your intuitive body & unlock your true potential.

Experience a unique combination of somatic release, inner inquiry and energetic clearing that will allow you to access your subconscious through your body’s innate wisdom. Melt away resistance, find your center, and step into a space of deep trust in your divine intuition.

If you are feeling on edge, overwhelmed and unsure of where to go next — this is the sacred space for you to surrender it all and embrace the power of your inner wisdom.

Unlock the Magic Within | Transformative Somatic & Energetic Healing



In this experiential container you will expand your capacity to hold all of your emotions, consciously choose your path forward, and unlock the wisdom of your body.

Say goodbye to cognitive dissonance and hello to a gentle and loving approach to healing.

Don't let fear hold you back any longer. Dive in now and unlock the magic of your creative expression.

Unlock Your Healing Potential | Embrace Your Creative Flow



Uncover hidden blocks, reconnect with your body's wisdom, and tap into your intuition and creativity.

Embrace your authentic self, break free from repetitive patterns, and step into a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

It's time to unlock the magic of your inner being and create the life you've been longing for.

Ignite Your Inner Being, Embrace Authenticity, and Transform Your Life



Sound healing is a powerful practice that utilizes the vibrations and resonance of sound to promote healing and well-being. Instruments like singing bowls, gongs, or tuning forks are used to produce vibrations that can resonate with the different frequencies of our bodies. In essence, sound healing harnesses the power of sound and vibration to create a potent healing experience that can bring about deep relaxation, stress reduction, and a sense of inner peace.


Are you navigating through the storm of a breakup, a job change, or simply feeling a sense of discomfort moving through life? It's time to embrace a holistic approach to healing that acknowledges the profound connection between your mind and body. Welcome to a transformative 90-minute Somatic Release Session—a tailored experience designed to guide you through the process of addressing stressors and unlocking the healing potential of your felt sense.


I didn’t just do a 6 week training and then create a logo and website. I have been deep diving and excavating all the knowledge of somatics, spiritual paths, meditation, subconscious reprogamming, mindfulness and healing over the past 4 years of certification and then embodying it through practice.

There are a lot of well meaning coaches and healers who haven’t had to walk their own path of radical acceptance and deep healing. We need these coaches and healers too — because there will never be too many healers, feelers and dreamers in the world.

But, you are here because you want a trusted companion on the healing path. One that has seen it all. And one that can hold sacred space for you to OPEN.

Without judgement, without fear and with complete unconditional trust of the process.


Curtis — musician

“I was going through big life changes while coming to terms with childhood trauma that I’d never addressed. There’s no instruction manual for this kinda stuff, and the most you can hope for is a safe space where you’re encouraged to explore and feel uncomfortable things. That’s what Lindsey provides. In our sessions, she facilitates the expression of feelings in a controlled way that had been bubbling up for years in uncontrolled ways - in relationships and jobs and creative endeavors. I’d had so much shame. I was embarrassed. But Lindsey is warm and caring and never judgemental. I always leave feeling like so much pressure is released and so much growth is possible!”

Jamie — nutritional coach

“I met with Lindsey with the hopes of moving through emotions that have been coming up around my son going off to college, as well as some guidance or insight about my career. My session was A-MAZ-ING! Lindsey has such a gentle and reassuring presence and really helped me lean in to my body and intuition. Any time I had insight, she would say, "That's right," which was so validating, and allowed me to really dive in and trust myself to explore some big emotions and energy. I highly recommend booking a session with Lindsey if you're looking to release or explore difficult emotions or stuck energy. She really helped me tune in and hear my inner knowing. Such a gift! Thank you Lindsey! <3”

KC — law student

“I recently had the privilege of experiencing a sound healing session with Lindsey. With full integrity I want to disclose that we have been friends for 25 years, but Lindsey is so gifted with this type of work because she has gone through the transformation herself. I have seen it with my own eyes as her light has shone brighter and brighter. She is a compassionate and vulnerable guide who makes you feel at ease during the process. I was looking for clarification and guidance on creativity in my life, I am at a sort of cross road in my career, unsure of my path. It was nothing short of a magical experience where I saw my gifts clearly and felt assured, I am following my heart. Thank you, Lindsey, for walking me home.”

Ready to connect?

Book a free clarity call below.