• Mindfulness is such a buzzword these days. It can be tough to know what it means, honestly. I practice embodied mindful awareness, which is the non-judgemental and caring attention to the here and now. This conscious awareness that is experienced through the body allows us to feel our feelings fully, to sit with difficult emotions and experiences, and to bring a kind and loving awareness to ourselves and those around us. Part of mindfulness is gently training the mind to become less attached to thoughts, especially unhelpful ones, and to grow our attention. In the embodied space, we use mindfulness to reconnect with our bodies and tune in to the wisdom it holds. This isn't simply meditating and thinking or not thinking. It's incorporating our entire beings and holding them in this space of love and kindness. Embodied Mindful awareness is mindfulness and heartfulness combined and expressed through the body with compassion and understanding.

  • Somatic Stress Release is. A practice that allows moving through our body's natural ability to mobilize and process stress. Stress gets a bad rap, but the word stress means the input we take in daily; however, in this modern world, we are inundated with these outside forces without time to process or release them. Over time we lose contact with this natural ability and innate wisdom of the body, and we forget our ability to move through stress. With Somatic Work, we can remember to tune in to this inner wisdom and move through stress instead of letting it build up. Tapping back into the body in this way allows us to create more space and resiliency, which allows for an opening of awareness.

  • Holographic Sound Healing is a deeply personal tool for clearing out old and unwanted energies to manifest health and well-being. It's a multi-dimensional sound that penetrates all levels of consciousness. The energy field surrounding your body, your aura, holds all memory for your body. This includes vibrational and tonal memory for manifesting health and well-being. Through connection with spirit, I tap into that harmonious vibrational memory in this energy field and play it back to you, using my voice, crystal sound bowls, bells, chimes, and tuning forks. During Holographic Sound Healing, I am merely the hollow bone that the spirit moves through. I connect with the tones that will bring about a clearing and manifesting of health for you. Everything in these sessions you already know, as you are a part of infinite consciousness. I am merely the person walking with you on the path.

  • Parts Work, also known as Internal Family Systems, is a modality that considers our different aspects of personality and listens to them rather than shutting them out. It is a gentle and authentic form of Shadow Work because we show compassion to the parts of ourselves that feel unlovable. Inner Child Work is coming into relation with the childhood version of ourselves that still lives on internally. Significant shifts can occur when we make friends with our shadow parts and listen to our inner child.

Why these practices together?

Lindsey's unique combination of sound healing, somatic release, shadow work, and embodied mindfulness creates a complete, holistic transformation that is gentle and supportive. It's an authentic mind-body-soul approach. We reconnect you with your body through somatic practices and tuning in to the needs of your unique being. You'll learn to work with your mind skillfully by unhooking from unsupportive thought patterns, shifting your inner dialogue to be more loving and compassionate, and genuinely making contact with your emotions and experiencing them fully. Then, you'll remember your connection to source energy through sound healing and intuition tuning. You'll be supercharged and deeply rooted in these practices and your commitment to your highest good.

Have more questions?

I know taking charge of your healing is a big move. Let’s chat. Schedule a clarity call here.