Free class

Deeper Well

Intro into Finding Your Inner Source

The Garden

A small group for women in their 30s and beyond who are ready to release anxiety, forcing, and hustle, and tune into the deep well of presence and intuition.

In the garden, you will receive simple tools you can practice to feel at home in your body and break free from repetitive thought loops and stories.

All within the safe and supportive community of women lifting each other. 

Take a Peek: What’s in the Garden

— 2 monthly live group calls (recorded if you can’t attend live)

— monthly meditations, activations, perception shifts, and somatic practices. 

Listen to the latest episode of

Can We Start Over


Lindsey and Britt

Listen to Lindsey on

The Expanders Club Podcast

Book an appointment.

Schedule a one-on-one session with Lindsey.