The Garden February

Embodied Channeled Writing

receiving channeled wisdom, using words as wands

“You can't use up creativity. The more you use the more you have.” - Maya Angelou

Here are our February practices. Try them all on and then build a daily or weekly practice with as many as you like. Some are good to use daily, and some you will only need once or twice—just like a spoonful of medicine.

This month, we are inviting in the practice of writing — channeled writing, writing to release, poetry, creative expression, and automatic writing. All things written word.

This is a powerful practice to own your feminine power, speak to source, feel creative, and lit up. The audio recordings are all in service to calling in your muses, creating space within the mind, feeling rooted, and meeting resistance.

Write what you feel, write what you love, what you hate, what you’ve moved on from, what dreams you hold.

In the words of George Strait — Write This Down.

Channeling source is easier than it sounds. We all do it when we are speaking deep truths. Clear space, and write write write until what comes out is love.

Writing poetry is easier than it sounds. You women have lived lifetimes and gone on adventures, and we need your unique take on life.

Creativity, art and living life in presence are ALL channeling source!

I would LOVE to see us all sharing at least one line of our writing every damn day in the What’s App group.

Challenge — write every day. I want you to be the explorer of your day, your dreams, your life, your subconscious, everywhere and anywhere. 

Challenge 2 — read your words and let them land in your. Body. Notice constriction, expansion, and anything that comes up. Trust. Pause. Find compassion and mercy for yourself. 

Challenge amplified — share your writing or at least 1 line from your writing every day in the What’s App group.

Source is waiting to speak THROUGH you, to you.

The position of the artist is humble. He is essentially a channel.”
Piet Mondrian

2/6 February Zoom Practice Replay


2/13 February Zoom Practice Replay


Calling in Muses and Guided Meditation

This meditation can be done once or several times to create space for channeled messages to come through. Have your journal handy to write after.

Meeting Resistance — Somatic Practice

A somatic practice that will allow meeting any resistance that comes up. Good for anxiety or thought loops as well.

Rooting To Rise — Somatic Practice

Practice to feel the safety and stability in your root so you can open a wider space for your words to flow.

Subconscious Reframe — creating space in the mind

a relaxing experience to create a safe space between thoughts. Like a luxurious bath for your mind. With space in the mind truth can flow with more ease.

Flame of Truth Activation

Quick tune-up — build your inner flame, burn what no longer serves, release, feed the fire, repeat.


I let my life be poetry.

Source wants to speak through me.

My words spread LOVE.

Actionable Practices for Embodied Channeled Writing

First thing in the morning, move your body and stretch for a few minutes, then automatic write for 10-15 minutes. Let it flow. 

In nature — write about what you see what your senses pick up on. 

Seeking guidance — write letters from your higher mind/self. What does she want you to do or know?

Animals — does an animal keep coming into your awareness? Write from its viewpoint, from its life. What can you learn here? 

Releasing — feeling stuck in a thought loop? Write it out, free write, and dump it all on a piece of paper, then breathe, burn it (safely), or throw it away (preferably away from your home or take it to your trash can outside). 

Journal Prompts — 

What do my guides want me to know right now?

Speaking from the wisdom in my bones — what do I know to be true?

What does my muse look and feel like? What am I reminded of?

What does my channeling sound and feel like? 

What needs to be cleared for more clarity is….

Dream life from within — what does it look/feel/smell/taste like?

I am here to teach what? 


Poetic Prompts —

When I am in bloom I’m….

I open my ears and hear…..

When I sink into my body I feel…..

This journey has taught me….

The blood on my hands is mine….

I’m just getting started…..

My best work still lives within in


The Garden January

Intuitive Action — Being Guided from within

The courage to take small steps

God speaks within you through your intuition, but God also speaks outside of you through synchronicities. - Rumi

Here are our January (2025!!) practices. Try them all on and then build a daily or weekly practice with as many as you like. Some are good to use daily, and some you will only need once or twice—just like a spoonful of medicine.

This month, invite a new level of relationship with your intuitive sense, based on trust and self-love. If you feel scared to act — that’s okay! Even communicate that with your intuition. And wherever you can walk through that fear and take the small intuitive actions, DO IT.

This is not about goal setting, resolutions, or anything typically associated with a new year. That’s great if you want to do that as well. This is setting a new intention at the beginning of the calendar year that you will listen to your intuition and step out of rationalizing the thinking mind. Trust begins in the body, and the relationships that we want to have the MOST trust in are the relationships with our inner voice, our intuition, and our souls.

You are a walking miracle!

"The most beautiful actions are those that spring from intuition, where the mind is not burdened with the weight of decision, but simply flows with the current of the moment."

January Zoom Practice Replay

Passcode: V*7PCg5m

Guided Morning Intuition Connection

Do this every morning upon waking — you can still be in bed lying down — to invite in the intuitive action for the day. You can also come to this at midday or whenever you need to reconnect.

Nervous System Reset

A practice to find regulation and healthy response in your nervous system so you can trust your intuitive guidance.

Perception Shift

Your thinking mind is a tool that you use, not the dictator.

Somatic Practice - Unfolding the Body

Intuitive Movement, riding the wave of the body.

Deep Breathing

Tuning into your frequency through the power of the breath.

Trust Happens in the Body

Understanding how our wounding breaks our own trust.


I can MOVE. This is my SPACE.

Actionable practices for intuitive action

  1. Each morning come to your intuition. Sit with her for a few moments. Ask for guidance. Create a deeper relationship.

  2. When you get an intuitive hit/nudge, acknowledge it! Say, I hear you

  3. Take the damn action! Manifestation is made of action. And the actions are small, often tiny, but mighty. So, can you commit to taking an intuitive action each day? If you feel scrambled or stumped, reach out in the What’s App (sharing makes the trust in self deeper) or ask your intuition for more clarity.

  4. Notice the list-making mind, and the rational mind, and note when it’s overboard or not helpful. Say, with kindness and self-boundaries, “not right now. We can go over this later.”

Journal Prompts

What does your intuition want you to know? What kind of relationship does she desire with you?

The Garden December

Open the Throat — Deeper Self-Expression

What are you not saying?

“When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak.” — Audre Lorde

Below are our December practices. Try them all on and then build a daily or weekly practice with as many as you like. Some are good to use daily, and some you will only need once or twice—just like a spoonful of medicine.

This month, focus on noticing tension and hesitation in the throat and voice offer loving compassion, and then speaking through any hesitation or tension.

Everyone won’t understand our truest expression, it will require us to show up messy sometimes. When we own our voice we magnetize our lives and are led by self-expression.

You got this!

"When I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm thirsty, I drink. When I feel like saying something, I say it.” — Madonna

December Zoom Practice Replay

Passcode: KSF4^pZ8

December Zoom Meeting Replay (coming soon)

Guided Meditation

Activating the throat. Bringing safety to release tension.

Somatic Sounds Releasing the Throat

Find movement and sound that offers an opening in your throat.

Noting Hesitation

Offering loving awareness to any hesitation present and finding a path through.

Perception Shift

What is mindful speech and what is people pleasing?

Somatic Sounds - Humming

Humming regulates the nervous system and tells the brain you are safe. Use your voice in this way to resource and find center.

Using Your Expression -

Everyday practices to honor your truest expression. Read more below.

Chanting Mantra —

We will dive deeper into mantra in the coming months but for now, I invite you to try singing along with the Gayatri Mantra. The Gayatri Mantra is a tool for awakening and expanding consciousness. It’s considered the most powerful Hindu mantra.

These are the sounds of the mantra:

Om bhuh, bhuvah, swaha (Aumm Bhoor Bhoo-va Su-va-ha)

Tat savitur varenyam (Tat Sa-vee-toor Var-ayn-yam)

Bhargo devasya dhimahi (Bar-go Day-vas-ya Dhee-ma-hee)

Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat (Dhee-yo Yo Nah Pra-cho-da-yaat)

Enjoy and let me know how it goes!

Actionable practices to get comfortable in your voice

  1. Making amends/repair — where in your relationships can you offer a genuine repair or amends? You don’t have to choose the stickiest or most challenging relationship, but somewhere that feels approachable right now. You’ve probably already thought of the person that you can offer amends to. Write them a note, email, text message, or give them a call. Speaking our repairs is really powerful for our self-trust in our own voice and expression.

  2. Gratitude — a flip on the above action, who is someone that you want to offer a sincere gratitude of a deep I LOVE YOU? It could be someone you know, someone that you are in a relationship with or someone that has positively affected your life. Share your sincere thanks and gratitude with them. I call this “gassing people up,” and it’s my favorite way to get out of my way if I’m stuck in a hesitation loop around expression.

  3. Share your vision — there’s something that you want to try, create or do. Maybe you haven’t told anyone because it feels too freeform right now. I encourage you to share it anyway. You can share with a friend or share in the WhatsApp group. Be seen in your expression without the weight of judgment.

  4. Voice recorder — do a brain dump into the voice recorder on your phone. Just like automatic writing using your voice can create a clearing in your subconscious and open more possibilities. When you’re done, you can listen back later after doing some regulating practices (deep breathing, meditation, somatic movement above) or you can simply delete while saying out loud, “I delete this from my being.” This is good when you find yourself stuck in overwhelm or in a thought loop.

Journal Prompts

What sensations do you notice in your throat currently? What happens when you bring your awareness to them?

What do you notice after you practice? And sensation change?

The Garden November

From the Seat of the Heart

the heart surrenders everything back to the moment where the mind wants to judge it.  - Ram Dass

Below are our November practices. Try them all on and then build a daily or weekly practice with as many as you like. Some are good to use daily, and some you will only need once or twice—just like a spoonful of medicine.

Keep your heart open, even in these wild times. Tune into your heart before making any decisions, just to feel what it feels like. You are incredible.

Audio Meditation

Opening your heart to connect with the soul.

Somatic Heart Exercise

Living from the heart as a superpower. Take this space to get bigger and stretch.

Praying into the Heart

Play with sending prayers into the heart. Plant the seeds of your heart within.

Perception Shift

Living from the seat of the heart is wildly brave.

The Whole Point is that it Never Ends

Excerpt from Mary Magdalene Revealed

Quickie Soul Connection -

Two breaths to reconnect with the heart

Quickie Intuition Connection -

Two breaths to reconnect with the soul

Journal Prompts

Tune in right now — how is your heart? What does it feel like? What does it need?

What does your love want you to know?

In what ways can you fiercely embody your open heart? What can you say yes to that is deep within?

Committing to the Heart —

Write a prayer that you repeat into your heart each day.

When making decisions or when you find yourself in a thought loop, let your awareness track back down into your heart space.

From the space of your heart, is there something you want to create or experience? Something big and beautiful. Remember it, keep it with you and we will dive deeper into in the coming months.

The Garden October

Becoming Nature — Your natural rhythm and connection to Earth.

Your natural rhythm, your unfolding, your blooming is an undeniable fact.

Below are our practices for this month. Try them all on and then build a daily or weekly practice with as many as you like. Some are good to use daily, and some you will only need once or twice—just like a spoonful of medicine.

You are amazing! You are nature and connecting with our earth regulates your nervous system and activates the higher mind. Your intuition is unfolding.

Audio Meditation

Tuning into nature to remember the interconnected web of being.

Somatic Tree Exercise

Rooted like a tree with movement in your branches.

Somatic Intuitive Exercise

Floor movement from our last call. Let your body move intuitively.

Affirmation Experiential

Listen when you want to remember the nature within. Try listening on repeat while walking, resting, or working.

Subconscious Reframe

Relax and let your subconscious receive new information to make new choices.

Perception Shift — Receiving Nature

Switching from me to we through nature.

Journal Prompts

Check-in on the seeds planted from last month — what needs water? Are there weeds that need to be cleaned out?

Imagine a conversation with nature — what does she have to tell you, what does she want you to know?

Freewrite for a few minutes: I know my natural rhythm because it feels like _______________________.

Presence Practice — Daily Repeat Quickie

Connect with nature daily this month, by going out into nature, caring for a houseplant, or holding a stone or shell. Come to nature each day with appreciation and ask for guidance. See what comes through.

Remember your natural rhythm

Notice when you feel rushed and see if it’s possible to intentionally slow your movements and thoughts.

Can you get the same amount done at a slightly slower pace?

The Garden September

Grounding In — sensing your personal power within

Below are our practices for this month. I suggest trying them all on and then building a personal daily or weekly practice with as many as you like. Some are good to use daily, and some you will only need once or twice—just like a spoonful of medicine.

You are amazing! You have a deep well of knowing within. Find that safe space within you.

Audio Meditation

A chance to find stillness and ground into your energy.

Somatic Movement Exercise

A moment to move your body to release stagnant energy and feel more present.

Affirmation Experiential

Listen when you want a grounding boost! Try listening on repeat while walking, resting or working.

Subconscious Reframe

Relax and let your subconscious receive new information to make new choices.

Perception Shift — Seeing in a different way

A chance to rethink validation.

Journal Opportunity

What is present for me right now?

What feeling, belief, or ideal do I want to ground into my being?

What do I want to plant and see grow?

Over the next 3/6 months, what do I want to create or experience? 

Presence Practice — Daily Repeat Quickie

Tune back into your energy for a few seconds or a minute as many times a day as you are able. Find that space in you that feels like a safe landing space, tap in there, and just be with it.

Opportunity to release

Can you identify something in your life that leaves you feeling ungrounded or allows you to leak your energy or seek external answers? Can you gently and lovingly shift your relationship with it this month?

Example: do you like scrolling social media for inspiration but then sometimes leave feeling like you’re not “doing enough?” That is a perfect opportunity to shift your intake of energy. Can you scroll for less time? Or can you notice that full feeling of inspiration and then turn off the device? Can you simply tune into your grounded energy when you notice any feeling of lack?

Start simple and small. That is how we make a safe change that snowballs into major up-levels.