The Garden November
From the Seat of the Heart
the heart surrenders everything back to the moment where the mind wants to judge it. - Ram Dass
Below are our November practices. Try them all on and then build a daily or weekly practice with as many as you like. Some are good to use daily, and some you will only need once or twice—just like a spoonful of medicine.
Keep your heart open, even in these wild times. Tune into your heart before making any decisions, just to feel what it feels like. You are incredible.
Audio Meditation
Opening your heart to connect with the soul.
Somatic Heart Exercise
Living from the heart as a superpower. Take this space to get bigger and stretch.
Praying into the Heart
Play with sending prayers into the heart. Plant the seeds of your heart within.
Perception Shift
Living from the seat of the heart is wildly brave.
The Whole Point is that it Never Ends
Excerpt from Mary Magdalene Revealed
Quickie Soul Connection -
Two breaths to reconnect with the heart
Quickie Intuition Connection -
Two breaths to reconnect with the soul
Journal Prompts
Tune in right now — how is your heart? What does it feel like? What does it need?
What does your love want you to know?
In what ways can you fiercely embody your open heart? What can you say yes to that is deep within?
Committing to the Heart —
Write a prayer that you repeat into your heart each day.
When making decisions or when you find yourself in a thought loop, let your awareness track back down into your heart space.
From the space of your heart, is there something you want to create or experience? Something big and beautiful. Remember it, keep it with you and we will dive deeper into in the coming months.
The Garden October
Becoming Nature — Your natural rhythm and connection to Earth.
Your natural rhythm, your unfolding, your blooming is an undeniable fact.
Below are our practices for this month. Try them all on and then build a daily or weekly practice with as many as you like. Some are good to use daily, and some you will only need once or twice—just like a spoonful of medicine.
You are amazing! You are nature and connecting with our earth regulates your nervous system and activates the higher mind. Your intuition is unfolding.
Audio Meditation
Tuning into nature to remember the interconnected web of being.
Somatic Tree Exercise
Rooted like a tree with movement in your branches.
Somatic Intuitive Exercise
Floor movement from our last call. Let your body move intuitively.
Affirmation Experiential
Listen when you want to remember the nature within. Try listening on repeat while walking, resting, or working.
Subconscious Reframe
Relax and let your subconscious receive new information to make new choices.
Perception Shift — Receiving Nature
Switching from me to we through nature.
Journal Prompts
Check-in on the seeds planted from last month — what needs water? Are there weeds that need to be cleaned out?
Imagine a conversation with nature — what does she have to tell you, what does she want you to know?
Freewrite for a few minutes: I know my natural rhythm because it feels like _______________________.
Presence Practice — Daily Repeat Quickie
Connect with nature daily this month, by going out into nature, caring for a houseplant, or holding a stone or shell. Come to nature each day with appreciation and ask for guidance. See what comes through.
Remember your natural rhythm
Notice when you feel rushed and see if it’s possible to intentionally slow your movements and thoughts.
Can you get the same amount done at a slightly slower pace?
The Garden September
Grounding In — sensing your personal power within
Below are our practices for this month. I suggest trying them all on and then building a personal daily or weekly practice with as many as you like. Some are good to use daily, and some you will only need once or twice—just like a spoonful of medicine.
You are amazing! You have a deep well of knowing within. Find that safe space within you.
Audio Meditation
A chance to find stillness and ground into your energy.
Somatic Movement Exercise
A moment to move your body to release stagnant energy and feel more present.
Affirmation Experiential
Listen when you want a grounding boost! Try listening on repeat while walking, resting or working.
Subconscious Reframe
Relax and let your subconscious receive new information to make new choices.
Perception Shift — Seeing in a different way
A chance to rethink validation.
Journal Opportunity
What is present for me right now?
What feeling, belief, or ideal do I want to ground into my being?
What do I want to plant and see grow?
Over the next 3/6 months, what do I want to create or experience?
Presence Practice — Daily Repeat Quickie
Tune back into your energy for a few seconds or a minute as many times a day as you are able. Find that space in you that feels like a safe landing space, tap in there, and just be with it.
Opportunity to release
Can you identify something in your life that leaves you feeling ungrounded or allows you to leak your energy or seek external answers? Can you gently and lovingly shift your relationship with it this month?
Example: do you like scrolling social media for inspiration but then sometimes leave feeling like you’re not “doing enough?” That is a perfect opportunity to shift your intake of energy. Can you scroll for less time? Or can you notice that full feeling of inspiration and then turn off the device? Can you simply tune into your grounded energy when you notice any feeling of lack?
Start simple and small. That is how we make a safe change that snowballs into major up-levels.