The Garden -- Monthly Healing Group


A small group for women in their 30s and beyond who are ready to release anxiety, forcing, and hustle, and tune into the deep well of presence and intuition.

In the garden, you will receive simple tools you can practice to grow your awareness and wake up out of negative thought loops and stories.

You’ll practice easy somatic movements to unfreeze and calm your nervous system. You’ll receive frequency shifts through sound healing. You’ll get easy to digest and embody teachings and group energy forecasts. 

All within the safe and supportive community of women lifting each other up. 

Each month, we will focus on a specific teaching and tool for waking up to more peace, joy, gratitude, and abundance. You’ll understand clearly how to drop scarcity and truly live from a place of openness. 

Take a Peek: What’s in the Garden

— 2 monthly live group calls featuring consciousness-expanding techniques, gentle somatic movement to release stuck emotion, and sound healing to restore and rebalance. 

— 3 techniques + 1 audio to practice throughout the month. 

— Monthly theme, practice rituals, journal prompts, and mantras to keep you rooted in presence. 

— Hot Seat / Heart Led Spiritual Coaching to find real solutions to anything blocking your way.

— Group Check-Ins and Support in What’s App. 

This is for you if:

You are so ready to release patterns that are holding you back.

You want to listen to your intuition but get distracted by the outside world.

You are a woman who knows there is magic within you.

You’ve met everyone else’s needs for years and are ready to say yes to yourself.

We all water each other in the garden. We plant seeds and we root each other on to grow and bloom. 

You are here to feel amazing, to be in awe of life. 

We begin in early September. Let’s go.

Join Now

A small group for women in their 30s and beyond who are ready to release anxiety, forcing, and hustle, and tune into the deep well of presence and intuition.

In the garden, you will receive simple tools you can practice to grow your awareness and wake up out of negative thought loops and stories.

You’ll practice easy somatic movements to unfreeze and calm your nervous system. You’ll receive frequency shifts through sound healing. You’ll get easy to digest and embody teachings and group energy forecasts. 

All within the safe and supportive community of women lifting each other up. 

Each month, we will focus on a specific teaching and tool for waking up to more peace, joy, gratitude, and abundance. You’ll understand clearly how to drop scarcity and truly live from a place of openness. 

Take a Peek: What’s in the Garden

— 2 monthly live group calls featuring consciousness-expanding techniques, gentle somatic movement to release stuck emotion, and sound healing to restore and rebalance. 

— 3 techniques + 1 audio to practice throughout the month. 

— Monthly theme, practice rituals, journal prompts, and mantras to keep you rooted in presence. 

— Hot Seat / Heart Led Spiritual Coaching to find real solutions to anything blocking your way.

— Group Check-Ins and Support in What’s App. 

This is for you if:

You are so ready to release patterns that are holding you back.

You want to listen to your intuition but get distracted by the outside world.

You are a woman who knows there is magic within you.

You’ve met everyone else’s needs for years and are ready to say yes to yourself.

We all water each other in the garden. We plant seeds and we root each other on to grow and bloom. 

You are here to feel amazing, to be in awe of life. 

We begin in early September. Let’s go.

A small group for women in their 30s and beyond who are ready to release anxiety, forcing, and hustle, and tune into the deep well of presence and intuition.

In the garden, you will receive simple tools you can practice to grow your awareness and wake up out of negative thought loops and stories.

You’ll practice easy somatic movements to unfreeze and calm your nervous system. You’ll receive frequency shifts through sound healing. You’ll get easy to digest and embody teachings and group energy forecasts. 

All within the safe and supportive community of women lifting each other up. 

Each month, we will focus on a specific teaching and tool for waking up to more peace, joy, gratitude, and abundance. You’ll understand clearly how to drop scarcity and truly live from a place of openness. 

Take a Peek: What’s in the Garden

— 2 monthly live group calls featuring consciousness-expanding techniques, gentle somatic movement to release stuck emotion, and sound healing to restore and rebalance. 

— 3 techniques + 1 audio to practice throughout the month. 

— Monthly theme, practice rituals, journal prompts, and mantras to keep you rooted in presence. 

— Hot Seat / Heart Led Spiritual Coaching to find real solutions to anything blocking your way.

— Group Check-Ins and Support in What’s App. 

This is for you if:

You are so ready to release patterns that are holding you back.

You want to listen to your intuition but get distracted by the outside world.

You are a woman who knows there is magic within you.

You’ve met everyone else’s needs for years and are ready to say yes to yourself.

We all water each other in the garden. We plant seeds and we root each other on to grow and bloom. 

You are here to feel amazing, to be in awe of life. 

We begin in early September. Let’s go.